Monday, November 26, 2012

If you have ever worked in a gun shop

Then you will have to identify with this comic strip.

I started in 1972, at 11 years old, sweeping one out in trade for AA 12 gauge hulls to reload.

Been in one from there on most of my life since.

This guy hit's the nail on the head until we get into the "Rom Com", but hopefully, he will have more of the shop in the future.

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

TimDum Style Gunfighting, Advanced Class

I want to welcome all my returning students.
It gladdens my heart to see all the bright and shiny faces all in their places!

Tonight's class will be on Advanced gunfighting skills.

I have sat through many, many 
( lets just say a ungodly amount)
of hours in classrooms and under hot tin range roofs to garner this knowledge.

It should take you .....about 5 minutes tonight.

Everyone ready? Pencils up, have you gone to the potty?

Great, let's get going.

Step 1; Cover and Concealment

This is a form of concealment, they cant see you, but they can shoot you

another form

This is cover, it can't be shot through.
(unless they have a very big gun)

Stay behind cover when you can.

Step 2; Drawing from a holster.
Buy a holster, put gun in it, take it out.

 Enough said.

Now we move on the some very advanced shooting, in most classes, you would have to be on your third course or so and be 1500.00 or more into ammo and course costs.
(Look at all the money I am saving you!)

The Double Tap

( now days, this was not a superninjaHSLDTOTS enough name, so it is now called the controlled pair)
(Not to be confused with the holster picture in step 2)

Draw gun from holster, point open end at bad guy,
 pull trigger twice.

If you really want to be an "operator" you can try the very super advanced,

(Not this guy)

Stay with me here, this one is hard.

Draw gun from holster, point at bad guy, pull trigger two times, real fast.

Have you been able to process all that so far?

Just one more thing to go over

Reloading your gun

Are you ready, it's hard to grasp all at once
OK, here we go,,,

When your gun is out of bullets, put more in.

I know this was a lot to cover on one class, but you were up to it.

Congratulations, you my now shift the tassels to the other side of your tactical beret.

You are now a High speed, Low Drag Tactical Operator, you are the Tip of the Spear, 
the Sharpened Edge of the Sword and all that other crap.
You may now wear a ball cap with velcro and those 500.00 pullovers made of fleece 
and the real cool sunglasses.

 Next Week
Super advanced knife fighting
You must bring a note from your congressman and a letter from the local preist stating that you have never been convected of moral turpitude or mopey to take this class.

The owners and instructors of this website are not responsible for any accidents, loss of limbs or other body parts,  loss of appetite,  increased weight gain, 
blue vision or dreams of my pretty ponies.
If you find yourself shooting for more than 4 hours, consult your local gun shop.

Till Tomorrow
Stay Thirsty my Friends.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

TimDum style Gun Fighting in seven steps.

As the nights grow longer and the air colder, I feel the need to start writing again.

So, for my first entree too you , I want to teach you gun fighting and knife fighting.

Believe me when I say I have spent a lot of money in the past going to schools and seminars
so I could learn all these things.
30 years of learning and teaching has allowed me to condense all of my vast knowledge into a course that is easy to understand and perfect for the current crop of ADD addled people .

We are going to start with
Gun Fighting.

This is a 101 class, basic 
More advanced to follow.

Let's begin.

Step 1; Buy a gun

Step 2; Read the little book thing that comes in the guns box.

Step 3; Figure out how to load the gun, put the cartridges in it. 

Step 4; Find out what end the bullets come out, 
this is usually the one with a hole in it.
mark this end with a piece of bright tape so you don't make mistakes. 

Step 5; Point end with tape at bad guy

Step 6; Pull trigger 
( the book in the box will show you what this is)
until bad guy stops doing 
what it was you wanted him to stop doing.

Step 7; Call 911
 ( look it up in the phone book or call directory assistance if you don't know the number).

Congratulations,  you just graduated the 
TimDum School of basic gun fighting!

You can now send your check for $19.95 payable to me for your diploma.
You will receive it promptly in 6-8 weeks after your check clears. 

Your advanced course starts tomorrow. 

Please review this basic course as many times as you need, there is no additional cost or obligation.

Courses to follow will teach you how to be "High Speed", "Low Drag", "Tip of the Spear", 
"Boots on the ground", Ninja" and many more.

Thank you for attending the TimDum School of Gun and Knife Fighting, please tell you friends.
All instructors at the TimDum academy are fully licensed by the state of insanity.

By reading this statement you agree to hold harmless the writer of this blog for any accidents, acts of god, unwanted pregnancies or transmission of any viral infections.

Till tomorrow,
Stay Thirsty my Friends.

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