Monday, November 21, 2011


I am the old guy, on the left

Lets start this blog with a little history.

Who am I

My name is Ellwood, Tim Ellwood,
born in AZ back in the good old days, when tumbleweeds blew done the streets and real men wore real steel on their hips.
I started working in a gun shop very early, sweeping the floor in trade for AA shotgun hulls to reload.
I moved to Orlando at age 16 or so, misspent my youth in gun shops and shooting, stint in the Coast Guard, worked for Orange county, Malibu Grand Prix, Barrets guns, strike Force and Magnum Guns (in Orlando) and others, got into airsoft by way of a phone call in 1986.
I was working in a gun shop in Orlando and spending way to much of my money on guns.
I had bought a Tokyo Mauri spring gun from a company up in the panhandle of Fl, talking with the owner brought forth he was looking for a partner in crime, so I moved to Crestview Fl and embarked on the start of my airsoft career. The Command Post was the 1st airsoft/paintball gun and accessory catalog in the US. We carried all the top makes, Splatmaster, Nelson and Brass eagle, that was about it for paintball back then. We were the exclusive distributors in the US for the Para Ordnance model 85, yes Para started life as a paintball gun manufacture!

SHOT show 87 found us in New Orleans, trying to explain what these weird looking guns were, and on the airsoft side, fielding comments like " Hell son, I could buy a real gun for that"
I traveled the country promoting paintball and had a lot of fun. I was also the back cover "boy" on the 1st few issues of Action Pursuit Games magazine and ads in SOF and the like.
So, if you hate airsoft, blame me. It's all my fault  
( Plus I am all that's left, The person that started Command post died in a plane crash a few years back)
In late 1988 I left the company to pursue matters in the "real steel" market place.
I have been involved in the Central FL scene of IPSC, IDPA and the CAS sports, got into them all early 
( I am a big 1st adopter)
I have had a gun shop, managed a police supply company, was sales manager for a major firearms and accessorizes distributor, ran the Smith and Wesson store in Orlando and then moved to NC to take over the SE regional sales manager position for S&W to cover NC, VA and eastern TN.
After the mass layoffs at S&W, that I got caught in, I manged a gun/LE supply shop in Greensboro for a while, tried to own my own used book store, I then embarked on a quest to provide a affordable video camera that could be mounted on a firearm to the LE community.
Working for Pacific Concepts, after a year in RD we brought to market the Advanced Tactical Camera. Sold by US Calvary and other retailers, it enjoyed a minor success.
After parting ways with Pacific I got very lucky to meet the owners of a company that is on the cutting edge of flashlights and lighting solutions for LE/Mil and firefighters.
They brought me on board as their LE/Mil sales manager and I have been a very happy camper ever since!
So, that's me in a nutshell

What will this blog be about?

Random acts of guns, flashlights, knives and a random female or two, as it relates to the AARP crowd.

When will I post?

When ever I have something worthwhile to say, or when I just want to ramble, hey, it's my blog!

Where will the info come from?

My many minions will fan out from my fortress here in Skull Island NC and call in news, tips and other assorted intelligence, most of it gleamed in death defying ways! I will leave no stone unturned to bring you the hottest news from the fast breaking world of the shooting sports ( not really, I will just pass on crap I find on the web, from phone calls and trade shows)

How can you do all this and still have a life?

To be honest, I am just that good!!!!!

Stay tuned for many thrilling adventures, gun reviews and other crazy stuff, or just a lot of boring crap, depends on how you look at it.

Standard Disclaimer
Certain products represented in this website may be subject to federal, state and local prohibitions, restrictions or special licensing for sale, possession or interstate transport. Check with local and federal authorities regarding legality of purchase, possession and transport.
The information described and portrayed in this website is based upon the personal experiences of the author(s), under specific conditions and circumstances. Due to time and space constraints, the entire author's experience may not be reported or otherwise verified. Nothing in this blog should be construed to substitute for a manufacturer's manual, advice or for professional training.
This Blog, its officers, agents and employees accept no responsibility for any liability, injuries or damages arising from any person's attempt to rely upon the information contained herein. 

I do maintain my impartiality as a reviewer. I receive no recompense for any reviews 

Thanks for coming, when the car stops, step off to the left.
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